A nicely packaged beeswax Number Candle to make your event perfect! Notice the elegant simplicity of the packaging. We set out to make it recyclable and we nailed it!
The number 5 Natural beeswax candle is hand made with 100% pure Canadian beeswax Honey Candles® using only cotton wicks, which are zinc and lead-free, with no toxins or harmful ingredients. We use beautiful golden natural beeswax hand poured into our exclusively designed number candle molds.
Make your celebration extraordinary with these beeswax number cake candles!
Did you know? Beeswax candles burn with a soft, warm glow that closely resembles that of the sun. We hope you enjoy these beautiful products of nature.
Candle Size: 2 1/4" h x 1 1/4" w
Burn Time: 10-15 minutes
Our wicks contain absolutely no lead or other metals.
How many birthday candles come in a box?
Our standard 3” birthday cake candles come with 20 candles to a box! Our Gala, or tall birthday cakes come with 12 in a box.
These packaging doesn’t look familiar, has it changed?
Yes! We recently changed our packaging to recycled and recyclable cardboard boxes! There are still the same number of candles per package!
How long does one of your birthday number candles last for?
It depends a little bit, but typically a couple of minutes. You will definitely have time to sing, and take a few good photos!